The Poké Plague
by Kreliana and Dark Fox

The following takes place during the time between Raziel's execution and resurection.

This day was like any other ordinary day in Nosgoth. The clan leaders were all sitting around the Pillars as Kain watched over them when it hit. A new plague had hit Nosgoth. This plague was more evil than the vampire plague...this plague dealt with bad Japanese anime. This plague had to be dealt with immediatly. It was the pokemon plague. Three pokemon trainers: Ash, Misty, and Brock got lost and were on their way into Nosgoth.
     "Gee Brock, this doesn't look like Veridian City," Ash screeched in his child actor voice,"Maybe if you would actually open your eyes you'd be able to see where we're going!"
     "Hmmm..." Brock pondered,"I don't think that we should have taken that left turn at the ghost tower."

     "Kain, what are those disgusting things?" Dumah asked.
"I don't know...?...What is this thing?" Kain looked downward and saw a little yellow mouse named Pikachu. It looked at Kain playfully and hopped around with delight. It could sense that Kain could wield electricity, so he tought he found a new friend.
"Ha ha ha, Pikachu, did you find a new friend? My name's Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town."
"This is yours? Take it back!" Kain yelled while field goaling Pikachu across the room.
"PIIIIKKAAAAA CHH-" Pikachu's scream was cut short as he burst open like an over ripe watermelon against the wall.
"AAAAAHHH Pikachu! You killed him you son of a -----!" cried Ash wiping pieces of Pikachu off his face. He charged toward Kain. Kain didn't appreciate being called what he was called, so he unsheathed the Soul Reaver. Ash stopped dead in his tracks and started running; however Kain was much faster than him, because, unlike Ash, he's not a little wuss. Kain tore Ash from limb to limb and finally cut off his head and placed it on the pillar of balance as a warning to all other invaders. But, of course, not before he let the vampires with the great fashion sense and lisps have their fun with him.
"Master Rahab! A girl uglier than Ariel is in our territory!"
Rahab, Kain, and the others quickly set off for Rahab's territory to free it from this unholy scourge.

     "Oh these water pokemon are ugly as h---." Misty screached.
"They aren't, what is it, pokemon? They're vampires." Rahab said.
"Vampires?EEEEEK! Staryu, Starmie, GO!! Misty unleashed her water pokemon in order to keep Rahab away, "Water gun NOW!" The water sprayed over Rahab, but did nothing.
"Thanks," he said,"I needed a shower."
After saying this he pulled out all of Misty's ratty hair and hanged her by her stupid suspenders. She died wondering why she even wore the frigging things in the first place. But a mysterious creature still emerged.
"Toge Toge PIIIII"
"It's an egg," Zephon said as he picked up Togepi,"I think I'll treat my worshippers to scrambled Togepi tomorrow for breakfast." They all laughed and went back to their territories.

     Meanwhile back at the Pillars...
"Why aren't there any women around here? I need some hot luvn and my right arm is getting sore!" Brock complained.
Suddenly Ariel appeared. All Brock could see was her "good" side.
"You must get out of here at once, or you'll end up like your friends!" she warned him.
"OOOOOH!! You're pretty! What's your name?"
"Ariel, but that doesn't matter..." she started saying as she turned toward him and face him.
"EEEWWW, what happened to you? You're all ugly and decayed..."
"I'm dead you moron."
"I don't want some old, ugly, dead b----."
"Why you little!" Ariel searched the area around the Pillars and noticed that Kain left the Soul Reaver behind. She picked it up and started smacking Brock with it yelling, "Who's your daddy!? WHO'S YO DADDY!?"
Brock died screaming like a little girl.
Nosgoth was now free from the unholy pokemon and balance was restored...sort of.

     When things were finally back to "normal", running into Nosgoth were Officer Jenny and her VERY good friend Nurse Joy.
"Dammit Jenny, if you didn't have to wear those out-of-style high heals, maybe you'd run a little faster!" Joy shouted.
"It's not my fault! Blame those idiots at Nintendo who created us. And you should be talking with that poofy dress you have to wear."
"I'm sorry, we shouldn't be fighting. Let's hurry and find Ash!"
The two headed for the Santuary of the Clans when they discovered one of Brock's pokeballs.
"This is brock's Onix!" Jenny said,"I'll hold onto it."
As they ventured into the Sanctuary, they saw the Pillar of Balance with Ash's head on it.
"Oh my gosh...Ash!?!?!" Joy gasped and turned around,"OH NO!" she looked at a splattered image across the wall that had yellow fur in it,"Pikachu!!" Joy was in a panic as she ran around vomiting at the sight of Pikachu until she saw what Ariel did to Brock,"Uuugh," she turned around to run, she slipped on pikachu's spleen. Joy then fell back and hit her head, splitting her head on one of the steps. She died almost (well not quite) instantly (after 10 minutes of sheer agony).
"," Jenny cried, "Now they're gonna pay!" Jenny then released Onix from its pokeball,"Let's go Onix!" Jenny hopped onto Onix's back and they set off to get revenge.

     "What's this,"Jenny looked down at a green pool as she hopped off Onix's back," a whirlpool?"
"Welcome to our execution grounds,"Turel stood in front of her as did Dumah and Melchiah.
"Welcome to the Abyss,"Melchiah said.
"Oh sh--!" Jenny stammered. Turel, Dumah, and Melchiah had Onix by it's tail and swung it like a baseball bat and knocked Jenny into the Abyss.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Jenny screamed as she swirled around in the Abyss slowly sinking into its depths.
The three brothers then discussed as to what they shoul do with Onix. They decided to rip it apart and use it to repair the nasty damages on the Sanctuary's walls.
"That fits nicely,"Turel said as they all laughed over the demise of pokemon once again.
"You know,"Said Melchiah,"I should have skinned her for my collection."
A moment of silcence fell among the 3 brothers, as Turel and Dumah looked at Melchiah strangly. Then, the 3 burst out laughing.

     They never noticed the 3 figures aproaching from a distance...

     The silhouettes faded back into the shadows of the Sanctuary.
"What do we do Jessie? We'd better get out of here!" James sqealed in his pansy@$$ voice.
"We still don't know what happened to Pikachu. Let's investigate further." Jessie beeched (or something that sounded like beech, anyway...),"Ewwww, what's this red stuff?" Jessie was looking at the stain Pikachu made when he was field goaled across the room by Kain.
After they left the Sanctuary, Jessie, James, and Meowth traveled all over Nosgoth, but couldn't find Pikachu (well technically, they DID find Pikachu what's left of him anyway). Eventually, they came to the abyss.
"Hmmmm....Why don't we go...West! That's the closest area to us," Meowth shouted. Jessie and James decided this would be a good idea and proceeded into Raziel's territory.
"EWWWW, this place is dull and lifeless," Jessie screached,"Why don't we fix this place up a bit?" Jessie then whipped out a paint brush and a bucket of bright pink paint.
"Jessie," James asked in a bewildered voice,"Where did that stuff come from? Those sick, little monkeys at Nintendo didn't give you enough clothes to have pockets."
"Who knows? every time we need something we just reach behind us and POOF! it's there."
Team Rocket then proceeded to paint the walls in the most horrific shade of pink that you've ever seen, we're talking beyond sissy-girl pink, until they heard an ominous voice booming behind them.
"As if it wasn't bad enough that my clan was wiped from this world, now I find you painting my territory PINK!?!?!" this was the very POed Raziel.
So in response to this, Team Rocket said their idiotic motto that got old after the 5th episode. Jessie jumped in front of Raz and said,"Prepare for trouble!" James jumped in front of her,"And make it double!"
So Raz said,"Oh, you like rhymes do you? Then how about this:
You think that you have balls
made of brass,
But I'm gonna jam these spears
up your @$$!"
" didn't let us finish.....GGggguuhuh!!!"Jessie gasped as Raziel jammed the know where.
"Ppplohfajladkurhl," was James death sound as he shared the same fate that Jessie had.
Their last words were,"Looks like Team Rocket's dying off again."
"How could you do that to my friends?" Meowth cried.
"Easy, like this!!" Raziel said giving him the middle claw with one hand while jamming a spear up Meowth's keister with the other. Raziel then poured the rest of the paint of questionable origin onto Team Rocket's dead carcases.
Now, Raziel could finally continue on his quest for soon as he could find some paint thinner.


This is dedicated to my fellow pokemon haters. Thank you.